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woman pointing to "Sunnier Savings" on illustrated background

Sunnier Savings

Vacations, a rainy-day fund or a leaky roof repair (we hope it’s just the first one) savings make it all happen.

Your Benefits Await

Apply for your Member Savings Account today to start taking advantage of these competitive rates.

Competitive rates

Dividends on your entire balance

No monthly fees

Access to amazing products, including loans

Diversify Your 2025 Savings

Our Products

Member Savings

It all starts here. For access to loans with delightfully competitive rates, member programs, a handy mobile app and more, just open a Member Savings Account.

Start an account with as little as $5.

Father and son with blue sky background
Coin being deposited into piggy bank with cloud background

Money Market

Higher rates from us (yay) mean higher returns to you (double yay). Money Market Accounts at Sno Falls offer you:

  • Interest on every cent in your account
  • Competitive rates on entire balance
  • No minimum balance fee
  • Just $1,000 opens an account
  • Up to 6 withdrawals per month


(Uniform Transfer to Minors Act)

We’re here to make life a tad easier by helping with your child’s financial future. An UTMA account is a convenient, uncomplicated way to gift money, real estate or art.

The account is maintained by you (in the minor’s name) until they turn 21 years old.

Visit one of our two convenient locations to open a UTMA account.

Young woman smiling in front of lake and mountains
Small child with piggy bank with forest background

Youth Account

Today they’re saving to build a Lego house. Someday, a real house. Lifelong savers start when they’re young. This account lets kids ages 17 and younger earn while they learn.

Just $5 opens an account that:

  • Earns dividends on all savings
  • Has no fees, ever

Visit one of our two convenient locations to open a Youth account.

Hand holding a Sno Falls debit card in front of illustrated clouds

Swipe & Save

This is saving, simplified. With every debit card2 purchase, we automatically round the transaction up to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference to a designated savings account.

Earn [[1]]2 on balances up to $2500 and [[2]]2 on balances over $2500.